Enter in the PINK door

Answer the all questions to enter the pink door, Thanks!

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How would you rate your beauty on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being gorgeous and 1 being ugly?
What are the elements that make up that number? Rate each category below:
What would it take for you to perceive yourself a 10 in each category?
What are your current beauty habits, i.e skin care, dental care, exercise, nutrition, supplements etc?
What are the habits that you engage in to increase your outer radiance?
What are the habits that you engage in to increase your inner radiance?
What are the beauty habits that you need to complete more often?
What are the habits that you engage in that sabotage your beauty?
What major traumatic events have you experienced in your life? How do you feel that impacts your beauty and radiance?
Are you in a romantic relationship currently? If so, how does this person impact your feelings about your beauty?
How does the issue of beauty show up in relationship to your female friends? Do you feel gorgeous or unattractive in relationship to your peers? How is beauty valued or demeaned in your circle?
How did your parents and family relate to the topic of beauty?
How does the issue of beauty show up in relationship to your female friends? Do you feel gorgeous or unattractive in relationship to your peers? How is beauty valued or demeaned in your circle?
How did your parents and family relate to the topic of beauty?
If you are a parent, how does this affect your relationship to your beauty habits?
How often do you look in the mirror on a daily basis? How do you feel when you do so? Do you avoid the mirror?
How do you feel about cameras? Do you enjoy being photographed? Showing up on video calls?
How is your sex life? Does it feel healthy? Satisfying?
How do you feel about your beauty when you are engaging in sex? Do you feel proud, open and receptive? Or do you want to hide parts of yourself?
How do men communicate to you around your beauty? Do they notice you or ignore you? What do you tell yourself about the impact that you have on men?
What would you say is the number ONE block you have around your beauty?
Is there anything else you want us to know?