Duchess Bune & How To Rise In Feminine Queen Glory
Dutchess Bune, is sought for her assistance with financial affairs — She’s also known as an old god (despite her being a lady) and is a Infernal spirit of aristocracy.She mentors in the arts of motherhood, wifedom, feminine hospitality, elegance, refinement, dignity, Goddess allure, sexuality, grace, poise, and social etiquette. Known to rule equally […]
Life After Sludge Demonic Possession — Overcoming Consensual Rape
The “Life After Sludge Demonic Possession” posts I have, both on this blog and on Medium, are a multitude in education for people who are not familiar with the nature of evil djinn and what they can do to a person in a lifetime. This is sort of like a public survivor documentary for me […]
How To Be Sexually Charming and Graceful As A Lady
Life is already challenging for a woman, and the advent of Feminism, has completely destroyed women. What began as a respectful notion for women to voice their epithets and concerns for how they felt they had been treated, has turned into a nightmare that is only described as journeying to Dante’s Inferno Level 10 (if […]
Why Do You Attract Emotionally Unavailable Men?
As a diviner, psychic and part relationship counsellor (and I do this practically for most of the week), the TOP TEN questions women often ask me is a smorgasbord of the following : 1. Does he love me? 2. Does he miss me? 3. When will he call me? 4. Does he want a committed […]
Why Do Men Suddenly Leave A Relationship?
This is a question that MOST women (including myself), have asked at one point or another. Everything is going fine, and then suddenly, one day—the man leaves the relationship. You panic, feel confused and act out. You wonder if you did (or didn’t!) do something. You frantically run past all the times you feel you […]
Javanese Sex Magick Made Simple
After receiving tonnes of wonderful compliments on my initial posting Ritualistic Sex Magick , I decided to create another one today! Sex magick is one of those little talked about practices that can actually allow someone to ascend into heights of pleasure or absolutely kill themselves. I woke up this morning and chanted a 15th Century […]
Life After Sludge Demonic Possession — Leaving The Modelling Industry
Leaving the modelling industry, came as a natural close for me. From the ages of 17–21 (maybe here and there till 22), I modelled throughout University and travelled a fair bit through different countries. I am going to start off by saying I am exceptionally lucky that I solicited a lot of my work personally […]
Do Good Men Exist + How Can I Attract Them?
Many women, on their journey to possess balance and equality with themselves, come from unconscious parenting, whereby the negative masculine traits that have been amplified and hijacked by the reptilian cabal—have destroyed women, heart and soul. We are currently under spiritual war, and men and women, have simply been turned against each other. Many men, […]
Life After Sludge Demonic Possession — Discovering Trust Within Self
The “Life After Sludge Demonic Possession” posts I have, both on this blog and on Medium, are a multitude in education for people who are not familiar with the nature of evil djinn and what they can do to a person in a lifetime. This is sort of like a public survivor documentary for me […]
Embrace Sexual Power To Attract Money
Nature is very erotic, throbbing with the pulse of life and swollen with the fruit of promise. Which is exactly why so many people struggle with money. The juicy flow of Orgasm, allows that delicious pleasure to run over into your financial life and a time oft, I discover that the two have direct links […]